TxDOT planning the future of transportation in Texas
The future possibilities are intriguing, and TxDOT wants to know what Texans think will be the most pressing transportation needs for the next 30 years.
TxDOT is hosting a second round of public meetings to gather public input that will be essential to developing the state’s long-range transportation plan, which helps inform the direction for the future of Texas’ multimodal transportation system. The Texas Transportation Plan 2050, or TTP 2050, will guide TxDOT’s planning and programming for the next 30 years and set long-range goals for all forms of transportation.
Texans who can’t make the meetings in person can participate online by visiting www.txdot.gov and searching for “TTP 2050”. TxDOT is providing an interactive survey to gather public input. The virtual open house also features a transportation usage survey.
This second round of public involvement follows a series of public meetings conducted earlier this year. Anyone who previously participated online, or who attended an open house, is encouraged to continue their involvement as there will be new information and additional opportunities to comment.
To receive information or submit comments, email TTP_2050@txdot.gov or call the toll free messaging center at 1-855-TEXAS50 (839-2750). All meeting materials will be available at www.txdot.gov via searching “TTP 2050” on the site.
Source: TxDOT