By Destiny Vaquera, UH Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture and Design Contributor

Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture and Design student Nyx Valerdy was recently elected to the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB). She will represent the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) and architecture students nationally for a two-year term through 2023.   

The National Architectural Accrediting Board accredits professional degrees in architecture offered by educational institutions throughout the United States. Valerdy begins her term as an officer on the board at the conclusion of the NAAB Annual Meeting on October 29, 2021.

As a student, Valerdy brings a unique perspective to the NAAB board. In her position, she is responsible for attending board meetings, reviewing visiting team reports, and voting in accreditation decisions. Once her term begins in October, she will also engage as a member of one of the board’s committees.

“I am extremely lucky and honored to have been elected among three nominated students from across the country,” said Nyx Valerdy. “It is exciting to gain experience in my role on the board of directors and apply it to my future endeavors.”

Even before she transferred to the University of Houston in 2018, Valerdy had been an active member of the AIAS. In 2017, she first learned about the opportunity with NAAB at the AIAS national conference (FORUM). When AIAS released a call for interest in serving on committees and task forces this year, Valardy decided to go for it.

“I really encourage students to get involved and become a part of a bigger cause,” shared Valerdy. “Whenever there is a call for action or to participate, I hope future students feel encouraged to step up, because often those actions lead to other opportunities.”

To learn more about the NAAB Board of Directors elects, visit their website at

Source: Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture and Design

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