HMSDC Collaborates With Supplier Diversity Professionals To L.E.V.E.L. U.P.
Bringing Innovative Strategies To Supplier Diversity Programs
The Houston Minority Supplier Development Council (HMSDC) is unwavering in taking action to bring key corporate leaders together across industries for solutions, leaving an impactful footprint as it pushes growth for Minority Business Enterprises and drives excellence in supplier diversity and supplier development.
Though there has been growth in the effectiveness of supplier diversity, there’s still room to enhance strategies that underpin many suppliers’ diversity programs. A trailblazer in progressing Minority-owned businesses, HMSDC hosted its inaugural Program Managers Meeting, for new and established programs.
For almost five decades, HMSDC has been leading the charge and collaborating with supplier diversity leadership for the strengthening and sustainability of small businesses. This meeting, sponsored by ConocoPhillips, Hess Corporation and Entergy, was deemed phenomenally successful by the 30 + corporate attendees.
The theme for this year’s meeting was L.E.V.E.L. U.P. Supplier Diversity With Innovation. Today’s business environment has changed how corporations view diversity in hiring, job promotions, and supplier base. HMSDC is leading the charge to create an equitable supplier base by transforming supplier diversity programs into procurement inclusion.
The Program Manager Meeting provides supplier diversity informational sessions to move supplier diversity towards a standardized procurement process. This provides an eco-system that intentionally engages MBEs in contracting opportunities and impacting the economy in diverse communities.
Ms. Robinson set the stage for what to expect from an impactful full day of supplier diversity training and challenged the audience to leave with actionable tasks, not just good note taking.
Ingrid M. Robinson, President Of HMMSDC
“One of the benefits of supplier diversity is that corporations, whether competitors or not, all work together for the same goal to economically empower traditionally underrepresented communities. While some programs are in the infancy phase and others are mature, there is always room for growth and improvement. This is what the HMSDC Program Managers Meeting provides.”
Speakers for the 2022 HMSDC Program Managers:
Debra Stewart, Former Director of Supplier Diversity and Diversity Outreach at Shell Oil
Richard A. Huebner, Former HMSDC President
Jewel Smith, C.E.O. of i3029 Liron Consulting
Scott A. Vowels PhD, Manager Supplier Diversity at Apple Inc
What Do Supplier Diversity Program Leaders Have to Say?
Robin Hawkins, ExxonMobil Supplier Diversity Program Manager
Annie Lidge, FLUOR Supplier Diversity Program Director
“We support the mission of HMSDC to grow and expand opportunities for MBE inclusion in corporate supply chains. The Program Managers Meeting provides the perfect platform to learn new andinnovative strategies to take new and maturesupplier diversity programs to the next level.
The inaugural 2022 ProgramManagers Meeting was a huge success with over 30 corporationsparticipating. We were honored to be integral in advancingsupplier diversity in each attending corporation’s procurement process.”
“The session inspired those new to the profession as supplier diversity program managers and reinvigorated those who run mature programs and have been in the role for some time.
The opportunity to review the history of supplier diversity and HMSDC breeds innovation, collaboration, and excitement to execute the commitment to utilization, advocacy, and development of minority businesses.
Every attendee walked away with a wisdom nugget, if not several! The HMSDC SDAC Committee is excited to hear about all the program developments and success stories that will be generated from this event.”
This year’s kick-off for HMSDC’s Program Managers Meeting has already proven effective for the advancement of supplier diversity, with new innovative concepts and results-driven strategies that build economic equity across communities of color. There is no doubt that the collaborative efforts of the day will result in economic development and growth of our small businesses in underserved communities.
Key takeaways For Intentional Supplier Diversity Programs:
Select a respected, trustworthy professional for a supplier diversity executive role & team
Challenge the status quo and be a change agent
Establish a recognition/awards system
Create highly visible and effective communication plans
Assess your supplier diversity program/practice for effectiveness
Work with the resources available to achieve a successful program; your network (internal and & external), data, budget, your team, and HMSDC
Be bold, courageous, and ready
Tamara Garrett, BP America Inc., Director, Supplier Diversity
Che McFerrin, Manager, Supplier Diversity Accenture
“One of the main reasons for supplier diversity programs is for professionals to come together through either volunteering or new ideas. Those ideas can not only be amazing but benefit us all for a by making the ecosystem better for the MBE.”
“It’s best to level up our programs in supplier diversity for the seasoned community but to enrich the new ones while building bridges between internal and external stakeholders on the value of supplier diversity. But driving the initiative of inclusion of diverse business of all areas into our organization.”
— Anna Wong, Volunteer
For more about the Houston Minority Supplier Development Council Program Managers Meeting and all of the organization’s efforts creating business opportunities for our Minority Business Enterprises, please visit,
Bottom row: Ingrid Robinson, Annie Lidge, Tamara Garrett, Che McFerrin, Robin Hawkins, Angela Freeman, Dr. Linelle Clark Middle row: Terry Williams, Jonathan Garcia, Karen Gross, Keith Williams, Dave Feldman, Maalika Moore-Thomas, Donovan Casanave, Crystal Royal, Nicholle Bumguardner, Debra Stewart, Bradley Niese, Sabeeta Singh Top row: Michael Brown, Ziba Mehra, Leviticous Cleveland, Anwar Phillips, Karen Franklin, Will Norwood, Monica Campana, Brenda Udunna, Amunique Love, Christie Pillar, Jewel Smith, Jasmine Morgan
SAVE THE DATE 2023 Program Managers Meeting June 14, 2023
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