Our region’s population is projected to exceed 10 million people by 2040. That’s why Houston METRO worked closely with the community to develop a plan that addresses the growing demand for expansion of public transit. Approved by voters in November 2019, it includes 500 miles of travel improvements to help ease traffic congestion and give you more ways to move around our region – with no tax increase.
Proposed improvements
The plan calls for 75 miles of new METRORapid bus service that operates like light rail, along with expansions to:
- Two-way HOV lanes
- Park & Rides
- Transit Centers
- Light rail
- Community Connector service
The plan also proposes enhancements to:
- Local bus stops
- Accessibility
- Safety and security
What projects are being worked on?
The plan also calls for speed, reliability, and access improvements to 17 of METRO’s high-ridership local bus routes (part of our “BOOST” network). Depending on the route, enhancements could include:
- Bus stop relocation
- New shelters
- Accessibility upgrades
- Transit signal priority
- Display of real-time information
The first routes to receive a “BOOST” will be the 54 Scott and 56 Airline / Montrose and 82 Westheimer.
It looks like a bus but runs like rail. METRORapid is designed to provide station-to-station service similar to METRORail, delivering faster connections and a smooth, convenient ride.
Universal Accessibility:
METRO is committed to the design and composition of an environment so it can be accessed, understood, and used to the greatest extent possible by all people regardless of age, size, ability, or disability.
This includes a multi-year project to ensure bus stops meet or exceed standards laid out in the Americans With Disabilities Act.
Visit www.metronext.org for more information on METRONext. And for more information about Houston METRO, visit www.ridemetro.org.
Source: Houston METRO