The Unified Transportation Program (UTP) is TxDOT’s 10-year plan that guides the development of transportation work across the state. Organized into 12 funding categories, with each one addressing a specific type of work, the UTP authorizes the distribution of construction dollars expected to be available over the next 10 years. Within the UTP framework, TxDOT works with elected officials, local planning organizations, and the public to select and fund the state’s highest-priority transportation projects. In addition to highway projects, the UTP addresses public transportation, maritime, aviation, rail, freight, and international trade. The Texas Transportation Commission approves the UTP annually in accordance with Texas state law, and TxDOT publishes the approved UTP each year.
The UTP is part of a comprehensive planning and programming process flowing from TxDOT’s agency mission to project-level implementation. That is, the UTP is an intermediate programming document linking the planning activities of the Statewide Long-Range Transportation Plan (SLRTP), the Metropolitan Transportation Plans, and Rural Transportation Plan to the detailed programming activities under the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and TxDOT’s 24-month (2-year) Letting Schedule.
The outcome of the UTP process is a list of projects TxDOT intends to develop or begin constructing over the next 10 years, as well as information on the available funding associated with those projects. Project development includes activities such as preliminary engineering work, environmental analysis, right-of-way acquisition, and design. Despite its importance to TxDOT as a planning and programming tool, the UTP is neither a budget nor a guarantee that projects will or can be built. However, it is a critical tool in guiding transportation project development within the long-term planning context. In addition, it serves as a communication tool for stakeholders and the public in understanding the project development commitments TxDOT is making.
The UTP document lists transportation projects funded through UTP categories 2, 4, and 12. This project listing is also available in Microsoft Excel format, found in the links below. For information about all projects in the UTP, funded through all 12 categories, please see TxDOT’s Project Tracker.
For more information, please visit www.txdot.gov.
Source: TxDOT