By Subcontractors USA News Provider
As one of the largest community colleges in the nation, the Houston Community College System (HCC) has proudly served the Greater Houston area for over four decades. HCC has served this city in various areas and in several capacities. When it comes to serving the small business community, the Small Business Development Program (SBDP) is an award-winning program within HCC, dedicated to developing and promoting our local small businesses. The SBDP was created to provide business opportunities for local small businesses to participate in contracting and procurement at HCC. The SBDP works diligently, formalizing existing practices and implementing new procedures to allow HCC to produce more effective small business participation and create opportunities relating to HCC contracting and procurement. HCC understands that our small business community is a vital component to Houston’s continuous economic growth. Through this program, HCC positively contributes in capacity building, increasing competition among small businesses and creating opportunities which will ensure the best value to HCC.

Veronica R. Douglas, Manager of the SBDP, is responsible for meeting with small businesses, providing them with the opportunity to present their product or service to HCC. Douglas says, “Many of our small businesses have had the opportunity to not only submit quotes, but to successfully win awards, and ultimately provide HCC with their product or service. I take pride in representing the small business community, as well as assisting them with the public procurement process.” In this leadership role with HCC, Douglas also manages the annual HCC Procurement Opportunities Expo, a free event for the small business community. The expo allows businesses of all sizes to network with public and private procurement professionals who are seeking small businesses and diverse suppliers in Harris County and throughout Greater Houston.
The SBDP has a successful approach to producing more effective small business participation and creating opportunities related to HCC contracting and procurement. HCC strives for a 35% small business goal in formal solicitations, where subcontracting is probable.

The annual goal for small business participation is based on prior utilization, policy requirements, staff recommendations, and general input regarding capacity analysis, and HCC projected contracting opportunities. Douglas and the SBDP team are meticulous in identifying certified small businesses that can provide goods and services through cooperative agreements, which are often utilized for informal purchases of goods and services.
Because the SBDP understands the trials small businesses face, it hosts workshops and training sessions on challenges frequently encountered by small businesses during the proposal process and generally when performing work for HCC. It also holds pre-proposal seminars to explain small business requirements, including explanation of the forms that must be submitted with a proposal, conduct outreach activities for small businesses to ensure access and opportunity to compete, and maintain lists of SBDP-Certified Small Businesses in coordination with listings from other agencies. There is passion behind the SBDP’s work, and their meetings, events, and partnerships help to provide the local small business community with a keen understanding and opportunity to network and to learn about how they should submit their proposals, giving them the best chance possible to do business with HCC.
“We believe we are teaching people ‘how to fish’ to be successful in targeting their best opportunities and putting their best foot forward. We teach, so the bidders can learn from each procurement that they participate in, which will help build their knowledge towards a successful award. It is important that they continue to learn from their diversity champions, their experiences, and to never give up. Opportunity is always around the corner,” says Douglas. The SBDP understands that the Houston economy stays strong by keeping its dollars in the community. Douglas adds, “We ARE Houston’s community college, which means we focus our efforts on our local community and the nine districts in which we educate and prepare students for success.” The SBDP is proud to serve within HCC, working with the small businesses that provide the goods and services that make our community GO.” For more information about the Houston Community College Small Business Development Program, please visit www.hccs.edu or call 713-718-5001.
Learn More about HCC’s Small Business Development Program
Program Goals and Improvements
The program goals are with certified SBEs/MBEs. The SBDP recommends to all of their clients to obtain as many certifications as possible to open the doors of opportunity at federal, state, local, and educational entities. The SBDP is not a certifying agency. However, there are recent significant improvements to the SBDP. These improvements will provide greater opportunity to certified small businesses that participate in the procurement process at HCC. The SBDP has also improved the evaluation process for qualified certified small businesses to maximize their opportunity to compete and win more HCC business.
Small and Minority Business Outreach
The SBDP participates in networking and outreach events in all communities throughout Houston and average in participating or presenting in over 80 events per year. Bid notices are also posted on the centralized master bidders list (CMBL), the HCC Procurement Operations website, and in local publications. As an example of taking their message out to the community, the SBDP utilizes HCC-TV to present a unique program called “It’s Your Business,” which spotlights local small businesses. In addition, the SBDP conducts “How to Do Business with HCC” seminars in each of the nine HCC Districts and are highly involved with the local Chambers and the certifying agencies. The SBDP recently entered into an agreement with several community partners to participate in an Inter-Agency Mentor Protégé Program.
Requirement of Good Faith Efforts
The SBDP requires Good Faith Efforts by contractors to use small businesses in contract performance. The SBDP has procedures in place to determine whether contractors are meeting this requirement of the Good Faith Efforts. Contractors are required to document efforts to obtain small business participation. A contract award may be denied or an existing contract may be terminated for the contractor’s failure to use Good Faith Efforts.
The SBDP Bidding Process
The SBDP is committed to a transparent process. Tabulations, award information, and contracts are posted in the archive section on their website. As a public sector educational institution, the SBDP provides information related to their procurement process through public records requests as well. This department also continues to identify and use technology that will provide a self-serve model to share bid, award, and contract information on their website.
The SBDP recognizes and has goals for the City of Houston SBE, MBE, WBE, PDBE, and DBE. This is in addition to the SBE certification from METRO, Texas Department of Transportation, City of Austin, South Central Texas Regional Certification Agency, and the Small Business Administration 8(a). As a philosophy, the SBDP values all diversity certifications.