Houston Airports in partnership with Edge4Vets and other local sponsors will once again team up to provide training and job opportunities for some of our nation’s service personnel who are returning to the civilian workforce. It’s all part of an effort to identify talented personnel for local aviation jobs, while ensuring that the right consideration is given to those who have fought and served.
Thursday, November 14, 2019 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Help us spread the word to the local veteran community by sharing the event
details to RSVP. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/houston-vets-register-for-fall-2019-edge4vets-workshop-tickets-65207917637 (RSVP
Houston Airports is proud to be a part of this important initiative. Current employees working in the airport community—Houston Airports, Transportation Security Administration, Customs Border Protection, etc.—enjoyed serving as mentors and offering their experiences with transitioning to the civilian workforce. Houston Airports administration even identified a candidate and offered him a full-time position with Houston Airports.
“I learned about the airports Edge4vets event through an online advertisement and decided to attend, hoping to continue working in aviation after retiring from the U.S. Air Force,” said Chris Mercado, Houston Airports Radio Project Manager. “The networking was great and provided valuable information and ultimately led to a great career opportunity.”
The Edge4Vets program consists of two components; the first is the “PREP” phase. It involves an online preparation program that helps veterans translate their military skills into terminology that resonates with recruiters and HR specialist. During this phase, veterans create their own personal “Plan4Success” which helps identify their most important skill sets and leadership experiences that help them stand out.
After the “PREP” phase, participants are invited to “CONNECT” with recruiters and employers from the airport system and affiliated business partners. The airport system and the business partners provide supervisors who act as mentors providing guidance for veteran applicants. The goal is to hold conversations and help veterans understand where their skills may best be utilized, in this case in the air travel industry.
Source: Houston Airport System