Projects Adding Value by Expanding Diversity Transportation Summit
By Subcontractors USA News Provider
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), headquartered in Austin, TX, is organized by administration, districts and divisions. TxDOT’s workforce is made up of engineers, administrators, financial experts, designers, architects, sign makers, accountants, purchasers, maintenance workers, travel counselors and many other professions. People are the TxDOT’s most important customer, asset, and resource. The well-being, safety, and quality of life for Texans and the traveling public are of the utmost concern to TxDOT. It strive to earn and maintain confidence through reliable and ethical decision-making, conducting itself with the highest degree of integrity, respect, and truthfulness. TxDOT is a forward-thinking leader delivering mobility, enabling economic opportunity, and enhancing quality of life for all Texans. Through collaboration and leadership, this department delivers a safe, reliable, and integrated transportation system that enables the movement of people and goods. With a focus on relationship building, customer service, and partnerships, TxDOT strives to continue to help open doors for the minority suppliers, contractors, and small businesses. Recently, TxDOT partnered to host Projects Adding Value by Expanding Diversity (PAVED) Transportation Summit in Dallas, TX.
Civil Rights is a division of TxDOT that is responsible for affirmative action and Title VI/Equal Employment Opportunity contract compliance. The division oversees the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) and Small Business Enterprise (SBE), Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUB) certification programs and DBE compliance elements of Business Outreach and Program Services. Michael D. Bryant serves as director. Bryant began working with the Department of Family and Protective Services as a procurement and contracts attorney and also served as the agency’s Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Coordinator. While working at the Office of Governor Rick Perry, he served as counsel to the Trusteed Programs within the Office, including the Economic Development & Tourism Division, Texas Military Preparedness Commission, Texas Music Office and the Texas Film Commission. At TxDOT, Bryant has worked on a variety of matters related to the Civil Rights Division, HUB and DBE issues, comprehensive development agreements, intellectual property and the agency’s information technology outsourcing with NTT Data.
Learn More About TxDOT’s Economically Disadvantaged and Small Business Programs
TxDOT’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program
The Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program was created to provide a level playing field for small, minority- and women-owned companies wanting to do business with TxDOT and other agencies receiving federal funds from the U.S. Department of Transportation. TxDOT is a member of the Texas Unified Certification Program (TUCP). The TUCP certifies DBEs for participation in Department of Transportation federal contracting projects across the State of Texas in compliance with Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR Parts 26 and 23).
TxDOT’s Small Business Enterprise Program
The Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Program offers small businesses another avenue to maximize their opportunities of doing business with TxDOT. The program applies to highway construction and maintenance projects that are funded entirely by state or local funds. The SBE Program is a TxDOT program authorized by 43 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §9.300.
TxDOT’s Historically Underutilized Business Program
The Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Program was created to promote full and equal procurement opportunities for small, minority- and women-owned businesses. Companies interested in doing business with the state are encouraged to become HUB certified. This is accomplished by completing an application and submitting it to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts (CPA). Once approved, the company is considered “certified” and agencies using them on contracts receive credit toward meeting established HUB goals. The HUB Program is a state level program required by law and managed by the CPA.
TxDOT sets an overall goal for DBE participation in DOT-assisted contract with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds authorized by the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA 21). To help reach these goals, TxDOT has formed partnerships to help the small and minority business community become aware of contract opportunities with the Department. PAVED, a recent partnership with the Regional Black Contractors Association, the Regional Hispanic Contractors Association, and the Conference of Minority Transportation Officials, highlighted upcoming highway projects in the Dallas area. Held at the Dallas County Schools Technology & Training Center, this program allowed participants to learn from TxDOT staff about project specific opportunities. Projects include improvements on I-35 E, widening of lanes on US 67, widening of lanes on FM 2181 in Denton County, and ramp modifications on I-20.
PAVED was a free event, giving small businesses the ability to network with primes and subcontractors.

“The PAVED event was awesome! It gave DBEs the chance to meet face-to-face with primes and governmental agencies to discuss opportunities including, but not limited to DBE opportunities. The TxDOT speakers provided valuable information on DBE compliance, goals, and the value DBEs bring to sub and prime contractors working on federal projects. We were also provided information by primes bidding on upcoming TxDOT projects. This is important, because it gives us the opportunity to start building relationships with the primes prior to the release of the bids, which is priceless! As a new and upcoming traffic control service company, attending events like PAVED gives the primes and subcontractors a chance to meet and greet Eagle Barricade up close and personal! We want to get the word out to the masses that Eagle Barricade wants to be known as that traffic control company that doesn’t compromise safety, believes in second chances, and provides exceptional customer service and expertise!” – Terry Lacy-Little, Managing Member of Eagle Barricade, LLC in North Texas
This event also gave TxDOT a platform to present information to minority contractors and suppliers on its rollout of over $70 Billion in professional and construction service opportunities throughout the state over the next 10 years. This opportunity was vital for small businesses in the construction industry to learn how to do business with TxDOT, while networking with many of the heavy highway industry firms from the architectural, engineering and construction industry that will be pursing these important projects.
For more information on the Texas Department of Transportation and its opportunities, please visit www.txdot.gov.