On May 29, 2020, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) published the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the Texas High-Speed Train project, a regulatory milestone that ensures the state-of-the-art system will be built in a way that minimizes impacts to landowners and the environment along the 240-mile alignment.
The release of this more than 10,000-page set of documents, produced by the FRA and informed by six years of work by hundreds of experts from more than 12 federal, state and local agencies in coordination with Texas Central, is the crucial next step for this transformational project.
The FRA and other agencies involved took great care to thoroughly review the Texas High-Speed Train project in detail to ensure it will be a source of pride for Texans now, and for years to come. For that, we are grateful to all of the professionals at the FRA, US Department of Transportation, US Army Corps of Engineers and the other agencies who have contributed to this exhaustive study, and our overall permitting process in a most responsible manner.
We look forward to continuing our work under the FRA’s oversight as the project proceeds to construction and operations.
Source: Texas Central