Your involvement as a provider of goods and services for the City is critical in meeting its operational, mission, and service delivery requirements.
Procurement Methods
The City’s Purchasing Division uses the following methods to procure goods and services:
Request for Price Quote (RFPQ) Informal | For one time purchase of goods and non-professional services valued at more than $3,000 up to and including $50,000 when requirements are clearly defined and competition exists. Governed by TLGC Chapter 252 | Lowest Responsible Bidder |
Invitation for Bid (IFB) Informal | For annual contract requirements of goods and non-professional services valued at more than $3,000 up to and including $50,000 when requirements are clearly defined and competition exists. Governed by TLGC Chapter 252. | Lowest Responsible Bidder |
Invitation for Bid (IFB) Formal | For goods and non-professional services valued at more than $50,000, when requirements are clearly defined and competition exists. Governed by TLGC Chapter 252. | Lowest Responsible Bidder |
Request for Competitive Sealed Proposal (RFCSP) | Typically used for high technology, insurance, and non-professional service solicitations that are valued at more than $50,000, when the City wishes to consider other factors in addition to price to make an award recommendation. Governed by TLGC Chapter 252. | Weighted Evaluation Criteria Including Cost |
Request for Proposal (RFP) | For discretionary contracts such as consulting services and revenue-generating contracts, when factors other than price are evaluated and negotiations are desired. Respondent is expected to provide innovative ideas as opposed to following published scope of services. Governed by TGC Chapter 2254 with respect to professional services. | Weighted Evaluation Criteria Including Cost |
Request for Qualifications (RFQ) | For discretionary contracts for architectural, landscape architectural, engineering, and land surveying services. May also be used for consulting services if price is not a primary concern. RFQs are used to gather information regarding the firm’s capabilities, qualifications, and competence. Governed by TGC Chapter 2254 with respect to professional services. | Selection is made solely on the skills and qualifications of the consultant. Cost is not a factor until after a consultant is selected. |
For more information about how you can do business with the City of San Antonio, please visit www.sanantonio.gov.