TxDOT Projects Help Reduce Traffic and Ease Travel, Saving Texas Commuters $915M
Texas Department of Transportation projects have helped reduce traffic delays and ease commutes across the state, according to a new report from the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI).
Historic Funding Approved for Texas Ship Channels
The Texas Transportation Commission approved funding for ship channel improvement projects that are supposed to support Texas’ economic growth, increase trade, generate jobs and ensure our seaports remain competitive.
TxDOT Finalizes Buyback of SH 288
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has completed the termination of the SH 288 Comprehensive Development Agreement (CDA).
TxDOT Breaks Ground on I-35 Capital Express Central Project
The I-35 Texas Clear Lanes project will add two non-tolled high-occupancy-vehicle (HOV) managed lanes in each direction from US 290 East to SH 71/Ben White Boulevard.
2024 E.C.O. Summit: Here’s What You Can Expect
It’s almost time for Subcontractors USA-TEXAS’ Second Annual E.C.O. Summit! Here’s what you can expect.
TxDOT Introducing New Process to Help Improve Roundabouts, Intersection Safety
TxDOT is introducing a new process to help select roundabouts and other innovations to improve safety at intersections — where one-third of Texas’ fatal and injury crashes happen.
TxDOT Pushes Forward on Buyback of SH 288
To provide Texans with toll relief and more free lanes on which to drive, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is preparing to terminate the SH 288 Comprehensive Development Agreement.
Gov. Abbott, TxDOT Announce Record $148 Billion Transportation Investment
Governor Greg Abbott announced a record $148 billion in total investment for Texas’ transportation infrastructure.
TxDOT Delivers $156 Million to Transit Agencies Across Texas
New funding for public transit from the Texas Department of Transportation will help provide access and expand service for people to get to jobs, school, medical appointments, and other important destinations. According to a news release, more than $123 million in funding was approved by the Texas Transportation Commission this summer to support transit programs…
TxDOT Asking for Feedback on Record $104 Billion 10-Year Plan
The draft 2025 Unified Transportation Program (UTP) proposes $104.2 billion in transportation spending, making it the second year in a row that the UTP plan exceeds $100 billion.
Rise in Trade Underscores Infrastructure Needs: TxDOT
As Texas continues to see a booming economy, TxDOT is working to address congestion at the U.S.-Mexico border to help the flow of goods between the two countries.
New Tech Keeps Rail Crossings Running: TxDOT
TxDOT and several rail companies have developed a plan to keep railroad crossings operating during severe weather and power outages.