Working with or near power lines can expose workers to electrical hazards, but these dangers can be avoided through safe work practices. These practical steps can prevent injuries from contact with power lines.
- Conduct a hazard assessment to identify and address potential safety hazards before work begins.
- Ask the electric company to de-energize and ground overhead power lines.
- Educate workers on safety procedures and requirements.
- Know the safe working distance for workers and equipment.
- Use non-conductive wood or fiberglass ladders.
- Wear personal protective equipment, such as rubber insulating gloves and insulating sleeves, and
- industrial protective helmets.
For more information on recognizing hazards from energized power lines, visit OSHA’s Electrical Safety and Health Topics page. OSHA videos on electrocutions in construction show how to work safely with cranes and ladders near power lines.
Source: OSHA