Reducing methane emissions in oil and gas operations is an important way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Advances in technology can help detect and identify the sources, and improve the ability to respond quickly. But there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. That’s why ExxonMobil is leading testing for the most promising next-generation methane detection technologies at 1,000 sites in Texas and…

Technology Drives Innovation in the Construction Industry

Construction technology is undoubtedly one of the most exciting pockets of innovation in today’s economy.  Funding in U.S.-based construction technology startups surged by 324 percent to nearly $3.1 billion in 2018, compared with $731 million in 2017, according to Crunchbase data.  Investment spans hardware, software, AI and other exciting technologies.  For too long, the construction…

Supporting Small Businesses Impacted by COVID-19

Supporting Small Businesses Impacted by COVID-19

To help small businesses, Entergy Texas has created a hub of resources to connect owners to information, tools and opportunities that could help during the COVID-19 pandemic. “Small businesses are the backbone of the communities we serve,” said Steve Pilgrim, director of business and economic development for Entergy Texas. “During these challenging times, we hope…

Council Approves Centerpiece Development for Upcoming Trinity Mills Station

Council Approves Centerpiece Development for Upcoming Trinity Mills Station

Carrollton City Council unanimously approved an agreement for a 125,000-square foot, six-story Class A office structure to serve as the marquee building within new Trinity Mills Station urban development. The City of Carrollton, Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART), The Integral Group, and Koa Partners signed a Master Development Agreement (MDA) for the entire Trinity Mills…

Post-coronavirus contingency planning for contractors, owners

One would be hard-pressed to find any construction industry player that hasn’t been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. While a few U.S. jurisdictions have banned construction work altogether, many more have limited which projects can move forward. However, according to John Robbins, managing director and USA and North America head of real estate for Turner &…

Architect’s Guide to Business Continuity now available

New AIA resource provides guidance for firm resiliency. In an effort to assist architecture firms with navigating adverse business conditions, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) is releasing a new resource: Architect’s Guide to Business Continuity. “Firms across the country are facing pressures from all sides—from transitioning offices to teleworking models, to work stoppages, to repositioning…

Architect Standard of Care Relative to Site Visits During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Architect Standard of Care Relative to Site Visits During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Architecture firms are undoubtedly facing many challenges and decisions as they deal with the impact of COVID-19. Most architecture firms are working remotely, either by their own choice or at the direction of local authorities. However, many construction projects are continuing. Architects and their firms that need to provide contract administration services or other contractual…

METRO’s Smart Project Management Means Major Financial Boost from Feds

METRO’s Smart Project Management Means Major Financial Boost from Feds

The federal government is rewarding METRO and the Houston region with up to $18.5 million in grant money for construction of a new transit center. The money was originally part of the financing for the METRORail Northline extension.  When that project was completed early and significantly under budget, METRO sought to utilize those savings for…

Shutting Down Construction Projects Is An Unnecessary Step, Will Harm Economy & Undermine Recovery Efforts, Construction Officials Say

Shutting Down Construction Projects Is An Unnecessary Step, Will Harm Economy & Undermine Recovery Efforts, Construction Officials Say

Construction Firms Are Already Taking Steps to Protect Employees, Most of Whom Already Wear Protective Equipment, While Halting Work Will Undermine Efforts to Add Hospital Capacity The chief executive officer of the Associated General Contractors of America, Stephen E. Sandherr, issued the following statement in reaction to steps being taken to put in place arbitrary…

OSHA advisory committee discusses major industry hazards

OSHA advisory committee discusses major industry hazards

Last week, the Advisory Committee on Construction Safety and Health (ACCSH), which makes construction regulation recommendations to OSHA, held two public teleconference meetings to address how the agency could increase awareness and potentially update its standards for hazards that pose a great risk to industry workers — falls, excavation and trenches, opioids and suicide.  For falls, committee members…

How to Obtain City Building Permits During a Wide-spread Health Challenge

How to Obtain City Building Permits During a Wide-spread Health Challenge

Here’s what we have learned over the years in expediting building permits across the state of Texas and areas in the United States:  Regardless if the economy is hot, warm or cold, obtaining a building permit fast is crucial for starting a project on time and in opening new businesses, roadways, etc. for use.  This…

ConocoPhillips Appoints Two New Members to its Board of Directors

ConocoPhillips Appoints Two New Members to its Board of Directors

HOUSTON – ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP) announced today that its board of directors has elected Mr. David T. Seaton and Mr. Al Walker to serve as board members. Mr. Seaton served as chief executive officer of Fluor Corporation from 2011 to 2019, and as chairman from 2012 to 2019. Mr. Seaton joined Fluor in 1985 and held…

Coronavirus Business Tips from the Small Business Association

Coronavirus Business Tips from the Small Business Association

Common issues that small businesses may encounter •             Capital access. Incidents can strain a small business’s financial capacity to make payroll, maintain inventory and respond to market fluctuations (both sudden drops and surges in demand). Businesses should prepare by exploring and testing their capital access options so they have what they need when they need…

Dealing with Data in the Construction Industry

Dealing with Data in the Construction Industry

The exponential growth of big data has had a profound effect on the heavy building materials industry. Per Techjury, every person this year will generate 1.7 megabytes of data in just a second. In 2019, internet users generate about 2.5 quintillion bytes of data each day. In addition: Large infrastructure projects are voluminous — requiring an…

Entergy Creates COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund to Help Customers in Need

In an effort to help working families experiencing financial hardships as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, the Entergy Charitable Foundation has established the COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund. “The health and safety of our customers, employees and communities is Entergy’s top priority,” said Leo Denault, chairman and CEO of Entergy Corporation. “For more than 100…


Projections that the global middle class will increase by 1.7 billion people over the next two decades means a lot more energy will be needed in the years ahead to move planes, trains and automobiles. Specifically, the energy demand of global transport, which includes deliveries of goods and services, should increase by about 25% by…

Trust translates to better financial, organizational performance for contractors, survey shows

Trust translates to better financial, organizational performance for contractors, survey shows

Construction companies that don’t make trust a high priority within their organizations could be leaving millions of dollars on the table every year, according to a study released by Autodesk and management consultancy FMI Corp. this week.  Authors of the “Trust Matters: The High Cost of Low Trust” found that construction organizations with very high levels of trust…